Why Guidance International School Is The Best Islamic School In Dhaka?

Best Islamic School in Dhaka

Islamic education is essential for our children. But we would also want our kids to get international quality of education. This is still one of the biggest fears of parents from Islamic schools.

This is where an Islamic English Medium School in Dhaka comes to light. One of the most famous Islamic Schools is the Guidance International School (GIS). The institution provides quality Islamic education in the English medium system. The GIS can be the best choice for your kid’s education. Call them for the fastest possible reach.

But why Guidance International School is the best Islamic school in Dhaka? This article will provide some key features of the school. This will determine how the institution is better than other Islamic institutions.

How Do Islamic English Medium Schools Work?

There are a lot’s of benefits of Islamic school. Most of the Islamic English medium schools follow the Dakhil education system in Bangladesh. As the name suggests, they teach your children about Islamic ways of life. But a unique feature of these schools is the medium of instruction.

English medium is an international system of education. The system involves teaching students about other subjects in English. The Islamic English medium schools also follow international curriculums. Many institutions of the world follow them.

The Islamic schools follow Islamic manners and ideologies. They teach students about the Islamic ways of life. They also teach students how to read, write, and talk in the Arabic language. Your children can learn about the Holy Quran and how to recite the verses. They can also implement the Islamic ways in real life.

The Islamic English medium institutions teach students other subjects in the English language. This means that the books are international standards, and the education quality and system are also globally accepted.

3 Features Of The Best Islamic English Medium School

As parents, you now know how the whole thing works. But the market is filled with competition. Many Islamic schools offer English medium teachings. So, how do you find the best one for your child? Here are 3 key features to look at in the best Islamic English medium school.

The Reputation Of The Institution

The first thing to check is the reputation of the school. A good school will always have popularity among other parents. You will see other parents admitting their children to those schools. So, look for a school that is famous in your locality.

Quality Of Education

A well-reputed school may not offer quality education. The education quality is the most crucial factor. You cannot admit your child to a school that does not have good teachers. Also, your child should get schoolmates who come from good backgrounds. Thus, find a school that ensures the quality of education.

Tuition Fees Of The School

It is a general conception that English medium schools are expensive. This can be true to some extent. So, you should be able to get a good return on your money. A good school may have high tuition fees.

But education quality and co-curricular activities can compensate for the expenses. So, find a school that offers affordable tuition fees and other quality features. This can ensure better growth for your children.

Why Guidance International School Is The Best Islamic School In Dhaka?

Choosing GIS for your children may be an automatic choice. But you would still want to know what makes the school the best. Here are 4 reasons why Guidance International School is the best Islamic school in Dhaka.

Quality British Education System

The motto of GIS is to prepare students with more than bookish knowledge. The school takes a holistic approach to education. This means that children can achieve social, mental, emotional, and physical development.

GIS follows the British education system, and this is the most popular English medium education system in our country. Almost every English medium school follows this system for O-levels and A-levels teaching.

The British system has the Cambridge pathway curriculum. This curriculum is globally recognized. Many institutions all over the world follow this system. GIS has mixed the Cambridge pathways with Islamic education, making the institution a unique one in Dhaka.

Great Opportunity To Become Hafez & Hafeza

Becoming a Hafez and Hafeza is a dream for every Muslim. It means that the person has memorized the complete Quran. And now, the person can recite every verse without looking at the Holy book.

GIS has many experienced and skilled teachers who can teach students about the Quran. These teachers have memorized the Holy book themselves. And now, they can teach students the Arabic language to recite the Quran.

GIS has also brought the mixture of the Hifzul Quran with the British curriculum of teaching. It is the first institution to join the two types of teachings. Thus, your children can learn about the Islamic ways and also international subjects at the same institution.

Fascinating School Facilities

Any English medium school must offer excellent facilities to the students. GIS is no different, and the school has many outstanding facilities for its students.

To begin with, the school offers a huge library of information to the students. The IT sector allows students to access e-library. This ensures that students can find knowledge at the grasp of their hands.

GIS also offers many physical activities for the students. These activities include sports events, creative challenges, and co-curricular activities. They ensure that students can develop their communication skills and social relationship.

Finally, GIS offers counselling opportunities to the students. There are 2 types of counselling available. The first one is psychological counselling. Students can achieve better mental and emotional growth through such counselling sessions. And the second one is career counselling. This ensures that students can get into better university placements.

Affordable Tuition Fees

The final topic on this list is the tuition fees of the school. The tuition fees of GIS are quite affordable. People often think that English medium schools are expensive. But GIS can be a great alternative to most other English medium schools. You can ensure your children get a quality education with Islamic knowledge.

If you are still confused, a breakdown of the costs can help you choose. The school has 4 different types of fees.

Admission fees

The admission fee is a one-time payment. This is a payment you make when admitting your child to the school. The admission fee can range from 120,000 to 160,000 BDT.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are monthly payments. The amount is not fixed for every class. It will rise as your children move on to the upper classes, and the range can be between 15,000 to 30,000 BDT.

School Supplies

School supplies are fees for the amenities the school provides to its children. This can include many things. For example, school supplies are the facilities a student enjoys from GIS. They involve the e-library, sports and recreation centres, counselling opportunities, and many more.

Both new and old students can enjoy these supplies with an annual fee, and you pay this fee once every year. The amount will increase as the student moves to the upper classes.

Extracurricular fees

The last kind of fee you pay is the extracurricular fees. You will also have to pay this type of fee once every year. The fees are generally 20,000 and 22,000 BDT.  


So, why Guidance International School is the best Islamic school in Dhaka? It is because of 4 main reasons.

The school has affordable tuition fees. This fee covers many fascinating facilities for the students. Also, your children will get the British system of education.

And students can gain all this with the opportunity of becoming fluent Quran readers.