Procedures & Policies

1. Student Policies

1.1. Progression Policy
A student shall progress through the grade levels by demonstrating growth in learning and by meeting and/or exceeding the grade-level standards outlined in the school (CAIE) curriculum and evaluated by the assessment policy implemented at Guidance International School.
Factors used to determine promotion include:

  • Attendance
  • Quarterly Test scores
  • Annual cumulative grades
  • Section Head recommendations
  • Disciplinary status

1.2. Retention
A student shall be retained when he/she does not demonstrate growth in learning and/or does not meet the grade-level standards outlined in the school (CAIE) curriculum and evaluated by the assessment system in place.
Retention guidelines are as follows:

  • Class 5 onwards, failing students will be retained to the same class.
  • For students achieving below-pass grade levels after Two (2) academic years’ grace period as ‘promotion on trial’, retention will follow.
  • Attendance, test scores, grades, and the best interest of the student shall be considered.
  • Second consecutive year of retention will result in expulsion of the student.

1.3. Acceleration
Acceleration is a double promotion or a higher grade placement. This is based on the student’s learning ability, as well as a few key qualifying factors.
To be eligible to apply for acceleration, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • He/She cannot apply for Acceleration after Class 2.
  • He/She must be of an age higher than the correct age of the present class group.
  • He/She must have achieved 90% or higher on their last Annual Examinations.
    If student is eligible to apply for acceleration, s/he must then attempt a placement test for the grade He/She has applied to skip and achieve 80% or higher on the placement test.

1.4. Academic Support
A student not making adequate progress in meeting the grade-level standards outlined in the school (CAIE) curriculum and evaluated by the assessment system in place, will be identified early in the school year.

When a student is identified as being at risk of retention, parents will be notified and the student will be provided additional opportunities in core academic areas to motivate and connect the student to school.

Such opportunities that may be required as conditions of promotion may include attendance and active participation at one or all of the following:

  • Tutorial programs
  • After-school programs
  • Summer school programs

Ongoing assessment of student progress will be a part of each intervention program.

2. Student Code of Conduct

GIS recognizes that effective learning can only occur in a secure environment where the rights and responsibilities of others are known and respected and where standards and rules are fairly and consistently applied.
Managing the Code of Conduct is a shared responsibility between the student, parents/guardians and the school.
This Code of Conduct rests on the following principles:

  • All individuals are valued and treated with respect.
    Students have a right to work in a secure environment where, without intimidation, bullying or harassment they are able to fully develop their interests, talents and ambitions.
  • Students and staff have a right to participate in a learning environment free of direct or indirect discrimination based on sex, race, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or physical or mental disability or impairment.
  • Parents have the right to expect that their children will be educated in a secure environment in which care, courtesy and respect for the rights of others are encouraged.
  • School management has an obligation to implement this Code of Conduct in a fair, reasonable and consistent manner.
3. Disciplinary measures

Discipline is an integral part of developing individuals who respect the system and understand the rules put in place to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for learning and growth.
Where disciplinary measures need to be taken with a student, the School will seek to inform and involve parents at an early stage. Parent-student-teacher meetings may be convened in order to define issues, set goals and determine strategies that may assist in resolving discipline problems. Parents will be kept informed of all disciplinary misconducts and repercussions in writing. All discipline records will also be added to the student’s school records.

The following disciplinary measures will be used where necessary:

3.1 Withdrawal of Privileges: the school may withdraw privileges (like participation on school excursion and picnics or Games class) from students as a consequence of breaches of school rules, as and when appropriate.

3.2 Withdrawal from Class: when a student’s behaviour significantly interferes with the rights of other students to learn or the capacity of a teacher to teach a class, the student may be temporarily isolated from the regular classroom activities. In more severe cases a student may be formally suspended for a specified period of time.

3.3 Community Duty: students may be required to assist in the cleaning of the grounds or be assigned other practical tasks around the school as part of their disciplinary repercussion.

3.4 Detention: teachers may require a student to undertake work after class for breaches of school rules. Students may be detained for up to half of any recess or lunch break. After school detentions will not exceed 45 minutes. Parents will be contacted beforehand.

3.5 Suspension: from school is a serious disciplinary measure and is reserved for significant breaches of the School Code of Conduct. Provision shall be made by the school for appropriate schoolwork to be supplied where appropriate.

3.6 Expulsion: of the student is reserved for the extreme cases of student misconduct. Such misconducts may include severe bullying, sexual harassment, bodily harm, vandalism on school grounds and activities outside school that may lead to a negative impact on the school and its other students and parents.